Thanks for contributing. The spiked millet, known as bajra or cumbu, which yields a poorer food, is grown on dry sandy soil in the Deccan and the Punjab. 2. Charities frequently give money and food to the poor people who live in the local region. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer... and there are flying cars. The poorer you are, regardless of the reasons for that poverty, the more money you will be entitled to as a right. Examples of poorer in a sentence Add a sentence Cancel. Beyond the Jewish quarter, in the Ribat-el-Soweika, is the Place el Halfa-Ouine, a favourite rendezvous of the poorer Moslem population, wherein are many native cafés. However, infants with Erb's palsy that involves C7 as well as C5 and C6 have a poorer prognosis. Either we have poorer pensioners, relative to national income. An excessive copper coinage during the past three or four years had caused much distress among the poorer classes since the beginning of the year, and the small trade was almost paralysed. Children with semiconsciousness, persistent diarrhea, jaundice, or low blood sodium levels have a poorer prognosis. The main reason is the lack of skilled professionals which in turn means that shortage in the basic facilities. Thoroughgoing policy changes by Government in every area of public policy have affected community life and often disproportionately the poorer people across our country. Meantime much evil arises from usury in the poorer districts. 14-17), the concessions in favour of the poorer worshipper are a later addition. malignant gists arising in the small intestine have a significantly poorer prognosis than those arising in the stomach. Cutch-boiling forms the chief means of livelihood of a large number of the poorer classes in the Prome and Thayetmyo districts of Lower Burma, and a subsidiary means of subsistence elsewhere. Click on a word above to view its definition. This stress is leading to higher chemical dependency, Or, perhaps equity concerns might result in more largesse being allocated to, They could buy medical services here which were not generally available to the, If they were richer, one would say, "They are dandies;" if they were, The atmosphere was refined, even among the, She had run out of uses and appetite for the never ending flow of eggs with which her, For decades ill-will, mistrust and antagonism has continued to make life all the, I would’ve laughed except that there were probably a hundred other men in the park dressed with much, After thirty minutes they pulled up outside a non-descript building in a, So I’m bothered by dental costs and think that they should be regulated down for, Johnsons and the like, may smile at my narrative, but the, Because their own children would eat their profits away in the winter and leave them, The fact is they are bloodsuckers who steal the lifeblood of millions of, The answer to this is, that those who own the better land should pay to those who own the, Theo pointed out that after each gig he went home to Alison, The little boy’s face brightened like he had been given the sun and he raced off toward the even, Huge new markets will open up for its member nations, especially the more recently joined and, As of April 2013, Apple is the most valuable company in a business world that had grown a little bit, Martha was the happy mother of the precise number of children the, That idea didn’t appeal much to the Slovenes and Croats, who were already fed up with having to subsidise the, He busied himself with great questions: the social problem, moralisation of the, So the biggest corporations of these rich countries can import more of their goods into these now, It is also natural that among many incubated funds the more successful ones will eventually be reported while, In Ireland, the inferior ranks of people are still, Poor in the extreme as far as their physical wants are concerned, they are still, It is only a part of the revenue of one set of the inhabitants which is transferred to another ; and the nation is not a farthing the, The early period was one of subnormal earnings, which would have been still, A serious investor is not likely to believe that the day-to-day or even month-to-month fluctuations of the stock market make him richer or, They represented a smattering of individuals from all walks and positions of society, but that said, the majority of them were of the, It"s just as well adventures are sometimes thrust upon us, we"d never choose them in the ordinary course of events and our lives would be the, The first factory closings had started about ten years ago, and as their families got, Whatever is too good is taken off the shelf and replaced with something that is of, They became so obsessed with owning as much land as possible, and cheating every person that was, Had Brewing remained a private company, its ability to borrow from lending institutions would have been considerably, And as soon as the enemy drew near the wealthy classes went away abandoning their property, while the, All of them tell me the rich (meaning the executive car owners) gives the least and the, It was a well-traveled alley, leading to a neighborhood of garrets and inns that catered to, A trend, however, cannot be used as a rough index; it represents a definite prediction of either better or. We will be able to examine all kinds of social issues: Why are some areas poorer than others? shirts of the natives of the poorer classes, and is, when very dark, the color of mourning; therefore, women at funerals, and generall after a death, smear themselves with it. The church was served in a nobler manner in 1704 by the abandonment of first-fruits and tenths by the queen for the purpose of raising the pittances of the poorer Union clergy (see QUEEN ANNES BouNTY). Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. In grammatical forms it is still poorer than Middle New Persian; except English, no Indo-European language Persian. To these must be added the fattening of geese for Strassburg's celebrated pâtés de foie gras, which forms a useful source of income to the poorer classes. Poorer sentence examples. The provision of athletics stadiums in the United Kingdom is very poor compared to most other developed countries. The kharrub (carob) is common and yields a fruit eaten by the poorer classes. Having won popularity by donations to poorer citizens, he took advantage of a festival of Hera, which was being celebrated outside the walls, to make himself master of the city (about 535 B.C.). With its principle of Christian brotherhood, its emphasis upon the equality of all believers in the sight of God, and its preaching of a new social order to be set up at the return of Christ, it appealed strongly to multitudes, particularly of the poorer classes. The government edifices, large retail shops and most of the fine urban residences are in the ciudad nueva, while most of the urban industries, the railway stations and the dwellings of the poorer classes are in the ciudad novisima. Rom works at the bar and has a much poorer sense of business than his brother, who frequently docks Rom's pay or cheats him out of latinum. He immediately brought forward a scheme for improving the condi - tion of the poorer clergy by equalizing the incomes of the bishops, the reception of which at the time may be imagined, though it was substantially the same as that carried into effect by Lord Melbourne's government fifty years later. Gram is largely eaten by the poorer classes, but it is also used as horse-food. Various sections of the poorer part of the city are occupied almost exclusively by the immigrants from Poland, Hungary and Italy. antonyms. He also bought up various blocks of slum dwellings and converted them into model tenements, with the object of improving the conditions of the poorer classes of Dublin. Some of the poorer sorts of furs, such as hamster, marmot, Chinese goats and lambs, Tatar ponies, weasels, kaluga, various monkeys, antelopes, foxes, otters, jackals and others from the warmer zones, which until recently were neglected on account of their inferior quality of colour, by the better class of the trade, are now being deftly dressed or dyed in Europe and America, and good effects are produced, although the lack of quality when compared with the better furs from colder climates which possess full top hair, close underwool and supple leathers, is readily manifest. Examples of poorest in a sentence: 1. Foil 5. Po Add thesaurus 100. The discontent of the rural labourers and of the poorer class of craftsmen in the towns, caused by the economic distress that followed the Black Death and the enactment of the Statute of Labourers in 1351, was brought to a head by the imposition of a poll tax in 1379 and again in 1381, and at the end of May in the latter year riots broke out at Brentwood in Essex; on the 4th of June similar violence occurred at Dartford; and on the 6th a mob several thousands strong seized the castle of Rochester and marched up the Medway to Maidstone. are common, and furze and heath abound in the poorer parts. In the latter are grown wheat and other spring crops, while the lighter kinds of rice and the hill millets are all that the poorer land can bear. Spoor 2. 2. - The subsequent centuries show continuous decline, and in whatever branch we compare the work, we see that each dynasty was poorer than that which preceded it. The Sun (2011) He shall deliver the poor and needy. The rich man is not any the richer for it, but the poor man becomes poorer by it. All Rights Reserved, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Shortly before this date the palaces both of Cnossus and Phaestus had undergone a great destruction, and though during the ensuing period both these royal residences were partially reoccupied it was for the most part at any rate by poorer denizens, and their great days as palaces were over for ever. The difference in level between the city and the lake being less than six feet and the lake having no natural outlet, typhus fever became a common epidemic in its lower and poorer sections. This is typified by the growth in the number of American-style gated communities, where the better-off are comfortably isolated from their poorer neighbors. The rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer. The city they entered was dirty and rank, the people poorer than any he'd ever seen. The migration of these professionals has an adverse impact on … Animals in good condition are more liable to be attacked than are the poorer ones. It may be that poorer people could only afford to buy the coarse wares. Those taken in central Asia near or in Chinese territory are poorer and yellowish. The land-tax was doubled and trebled by war, by the pensions of the nobles, by an extortion the profits of which Richelieu disdained neither for himself nor for his family; and just when the richer and more powerful classes had been freed from taxes, causing the wholesale oppression of the poorer, these few remaining were jointly and severally answerable. All the waters of India - the sea, the rivers and the tanks - swarm with a great variety of fishes, which are caught in every conceivable way, and furnish a considerable proportion of the food of the poorer classes. siphoning off profits and leaving farmers and miners all the poorer. From reign to reign the portraits grow poorer and more stereotyped, and the inscriptions more neglected, till it becomes obvious that the engraver himself no longer understood Greek but copied mechanically the signs before his eyes, as is the case with the contemporary Indo-Scythian coinage, and also in Mesene. Most BBC and ITV regions are available, although the regions with horizontal polarization tend to give poorer reception than regions with vertical polarization. 4. Hard Pressed Fred M. White Thank Heaven that I had the sense to turn away from him and to marry a better, if a poorer, man. is eaten by the poorer classes, as is also occasionally that of the second. This latter is chiefly used by the poorer classes. 4. The best brain age you can achieve is 20, with higher ages signifying poorer performance. "A transfer of wealth to the EU's … 7. The safety of feeling poorer weaker the investment accounts. At the lower elevations rice, maize and millets are common, wheat and barley at a somewhat higher level, and buckwheat and amaranth usually on the poorer lands, or those recently reclaimed from forest. Follow 7. thoroughgoing policy changes by Government in every area of public policy have affected community life and often disproportionately the poorer people across our country. The farther south they are found, the poorer and coarser the fur. His wars in Sicily and Africa left him time to do something for the relief of the poorer citizens at the expense of the rich, as well as to erect new fortifications and public buildings; and under his strong government Syracuse seems to have been at least quiet and orderly. ". " The FP (Virtue Party) despite making a poorer than expected showing in the polls, does have a female deputy. Poorest sentence examples. In Congress he proved to be a tireless advocate of the claims of the poorer whites and an opponent of the aristocracy. poorer in a sentence. The Romans were very serious about their bathing rituals and even poorer residents had access to baths. Cities such as Bejing, Guanzhou, and Shanghai, though traditionally poorer cities in the past, now rival larger cities all over the world for technology and manufacturing. The poorer grazing lands on the upper levels of the Alps, Pyrenees, Jura and Vosges, the Landes, the more outlying... We will be able to examine all kinds of social … The prognosis is poorer if the cancer has spread beyond the eye (extraocular). The roots were eaten by the poorer Greeks; hence such food was thought good enough for the shades (cf. 63. It looks poorest when you are richest. Trail 3. Track 4. Many people from poorer backgrounds may be deterred from going to university under the new proposals. This quarter has wide airy streets and lofty houses, and though perhaps the houses were let at prices which were beyond the purses of the lowest class, the result of their erection was to cause a number of the poorer houses in the old town to be vacated, thus giving an opportunity to the lowest class to be at any rate better housed than they were before. September 24, 2019 The poorest of the poor then. Patients with certain symptoms, including semiconsciousness, persistent diarrhea, jaundice, and low blood sodium levels, have a poorer prognosis than other patients. In the poorer class of dwellings the camotes are frequently dumped in a corner. Children with Chiari II malformation have a much poorer prognosis than those with Type I malformation and will usually be quite ill. Visit a page 5. Trade and other gilds in antiquity held subscription suppers or g pavot, similar to those of the early Corinthian church, usually to support the needs of the poorer members. People with Tourette syndrome who have other symptoms such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, and self-injurious behavior usually have a poorer prognosis. In every part of the country many of the ministers were miserably poor; there were many stipends, even of important parishes, not exceeding £40 a year; and it was not till after many debates in the assembly and appeals to the government that an act was obtained in 1810 which made up the poorer livings to £150 a year by a grant from the public exchequer. Poor children could be seen on the streets of India begging tourists for anything they could get. Vote & Rate 5. The older we grow, the poorer our memory becomes. If surgery is performed before the infant is two months old, success is much more likely, while after three months of age, the success rate is much poorer. It can also give poorer students more time to prove themselves so that they may get into better schools or be offered larger scholarships. (superlative form/more than two) Many one- and two-syllable adjectives and one-syllable adverbs may be compared by adding ‑er or ‑est. The poorer classes cannot fully observe the harem system, but the women are in general carefully veiled. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. ". " ". He was continually engaged in theological controversy, and, by his advocacy of all efforts to promote the social, moral, and religious amelioration of the poorer classes and his chivalrous courage in defending those whom he held to be unjustly denounced, undoubtedly incurred much and grow- ing odium in influential circles. Teenagers from poorer families have a higher risk of becoming pregnant. It's a poor mouse that has only on hole. income taxd a local incomes tax actually hurt poorer areas? Poorer quotes from YourDictionary: My visions of the future are always pretty much standard issue. Feedback 17. The Bolivian tin ore is treated by first extracting the silver by amalgamation, &c., and afterwards concentrating the residues; there are, however, considerable difficulties in the way of treating the poorer of these very complex ores, and several chemical processes for extracting their metallic contents have been worked out. The nuts of other species of Areca are used by the poorer classes in the East as substitutes for the genuine betel nut. Hound 14. How to use worse in a sentence. This is a great way to get more organic food into the hands of poorer people when there is a local market nearby. 3. Moab was evidently as poor as Judah and poorer than Israel, for few relics have been found there, beside the famous stele. Examples of Poor in a sentence. This was an advantage because it meant that a poorer neighborhood had a selection of shops that suited smaller budgets. School-aged children who are abused typically have problems academically and have poorer grades and performance on standardized achievement tests. These are similar to the Amur skins previously referred to, but of much poorer quality and generally only suitable for linings. It may be frail—its roof may shake—the wind may blow through it—the storm may enter—the rain may enter—but the King of England cannot enter—all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement." The rural teachers, however, have been paid from the state fund, so that the poorer districts receive aid from the richer districts of the commonwealth. Children afflicted with schizophrenia have a poorer prognosis than that of adults. The western slope of Lebanon has the common characteristics of the flora of the Mediterranean coast, but the Anti-Lebanon belongs to the poorer region of the steppes, and the Mediterranean species are met with only sporadically along the water-courses. It is a poor heart that never rejoices. Farmers in poor countries are generally the victims. It does not yield so much oil as the "winter" kind, but it will grow on soil in poorer condition. In the case of poorer interments the destruction of the body was, on the contrary, often accelerated by the use of quicklime. Poorest in a sentence. However, some low income families may be at higher risk due to poorer access to proper prenatal care and advanced medical services. Acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) has a poorer prognosis rate than acute lymphocytic leukemias (ALL) and the chronic leukemias. He did much for education and for the poorer clergy, and endowed the library of the gymnasium with 6000 volumes. Adverbs may be at higher risk due to the four urban tribes thus. There are flying cars or in Chinese territory are poorer and more ruinous is made up in a,. - Shia, who form 40 % of the Crown poorer in a sentence poorer areas it does not yield so oil. 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