She seems to think my daughter's issue is not developmental, but due to a "parts problem" :( Well go to the doc and he'll do a scope and see if she needs surgery :( let me know how your little one is doing! Find answers to questions about what to eat while breastfeeding, what's in your breast milk, and more. They had me add thick it to breast milk once diagnosed. So that's why I haven't pushed further for testing or anything. A baby who has been drinking from the bottle may have become accustomed to these things and may refuse to breastfeed accordingly. Even though breast milk is much easier to digest than formula, some spitting up, fussiness, and gas are to be expected in all newborns, regardless of whether they are breastfed or formula fed. I admittedly am one that tends to overreact so for awhile I wondered if … I'm a huge breastfeeding advocate and sounds like you really would like to continue if possible. She would projectile vomit almost every feeding but he wasn't to concerned because she was gaining weight just fine. In addition, when a baby drinks from a bottle, he gets more milk immediately after sucking and gets more than one constant flow. Yesterday I was about to feed her, I didn’t even touch the bottle to her mouth when I noticed what appeared to be slobber (it was milk) dripping out the side of her mouth. However, if you have a strong let-down reflex or an overabundant breast milk supply, the fast flow of your breast milk can cause your baby to swallow more air. Just looking for some insight and to see if anyone else has been through this. I've been ebf and she'll be 6 months old Saturday. All babies have individual eating habits. I would really like to continue nursing him if possible. It's interesting what Dr. Jack. If you think that sounds time-intensive, it is. The feeding specialist was a speech pathologist. Are you doing anything for the reflux? In a way my daughter actually has/had similar things going on. Learn more about. Read on to know under what circumstances breast milk can be bad for your baby. A good time to burp your breastfed baby is after they stop nursing, or if they become fussy during a feeding. The SLP is setting up an appt with an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor who specializes in aspiration. Or did I misread/misunderstand? t. teachermom2be. The 1st one didn't work well for her, but the one she's on now has been great. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. He is very gassy and burps about 3x after nursing on just one side. Glad I finally gave in to my mommy instincts and took him to the doctor! I'm dreading it because I don't want to stop breastfeeding. Milk Allergy in Infants. Extraordinary lemon water benefits you might not... 9 ways on how to get rid of cramps naturally... 10 Fruits that every pregnant woman should eat, 12 types of baby’s stool and their meaning. It wasn't diagnosed until & months, but she was already on pumped milk, because in NICU she would only have bradycardia, apnea, etc during feeds. We're going to a feeding specialist to discuss options. Designed by Kwambi Corp. 6 methods of treating constipation in babies, How to naturally relieve the painful gums of baby, Best management tips to painful breast during pregnancy, Extraordinary lemon water benefits you might not know, 9 ways on how to get rid of cramps naturally &. 1) Clogged Sometimes your breasts may start to feel very full or engorged if your baby starts to sleep longer at night. No, the natural breastmilk proteins are so mild that they just don’t provoke allergies in babies. Yes. She gets two bottles per day at daycare, which we are transitioning from breast milk to formula, so we can thicken it up. The speech language pathologist and the GI specialist both said to discontinue breastfeeding and give formula mixed with thick it. I now have a 4 week old boy who I believe is doing the same thing. In the same way that you are learning to breastfeed, your baby is also learning to eat. Appreciate any ideas you may have..thank you! In this way, it can move you away from the pressure. Baby aspirating milk into lungs? When to Start Pumping. I finally switched doctors at 11months old and she referred us for the swallow study and that is when we found the aspiration. Other babies take a while to get started, but feed once they start. Sometimes multiple times a day and sometimes quite a bit, but she seems to be a "happy spitter". Don’t worry. Both are thought to ramp up the production of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates breast milk production. By Karisa Ding I'm 41, with my fourth child. Sorry I don't think I've been much help. Between prepping, pumping, storing, and cleaning, there is so much to do… His latch has been great since he was born and we haven't had to many issues besides thrush. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. We had a swallow study yesterday and she confirmed aspiration. Breast Milk and Allergens. I feel like getting breast milk is so important for babies likely to get respiratory infections! Knowing what you can do to encourage and support your baby is vital. If the baby is not able to breastfeed properly, the leftover milk will not allow the breasts to produce more milk. It is more of an emotional connection for me. Also going to give him a bottle this evening and see if he chokes/coughs with it. But today his therapist give me some samples for breastfeeding thickener, they in fact exist. Symptoms of milk blebs and milk blisters. She has really bad reflux. Your breast milk contains a perfect mix of vitamins, protein, fat, and other nutrients that your baby needs for healthy growth and development. She watched her drink a bottle that was thickened up and watched me breastfeed. If I read it right I'm just curious why she was ok breastfeeding for a year, but then had to stop? These include reducing your baby’s risk of: Middle ear infections. When she nursed she swallowed a lot of air. You may even think you’ve done something wrong. I know if he is aspirating they will tell me to stop nursing, which is what they said with my daughter and I am dreading it. Breast milk is an ideal source of nutrition for a baby. She was aspirating with almost every swallow. This action cannot be undone. She also had lip and tongue ties. Sometimes wearing a colored collar or giving an older baby a toy to remember could help feed him. It is a viable option for many mothers and requires strength, discipline and dedication. © 2013 - 2017 GiftedMom. My son (7weeks old) has a swallow study today due to issue with choking while drinking his bottles. I'm just trying to get more info to help if I can. I took her to her doctor so many times with a cough and acid reflux symptoms. She gets two bottles per day at daycare, which we are transitioning from breast milk to formula, so we can thicken it up. There’s no magic here: All you have to do is add some breast milk to your baby’s bathwater. So that's why I opted for the meds. Poor baby always coughs when she eats and spits up a lot. Thanks! Breast milk nourishes your baby and provides antibodies that fight diseases so that your baby’s development is normal and healthy. Learn how to know if a baby is drinking enough at the breast. It's also good for your baby's growing immune system. I also got her on a reflux med. Are you sure you want to delete your comment? We respect everyone’s right to express their thoughts and opinions as long as they remain respectful of other community members, and meet What to Expect’s Terms of Use. If you are planning to return to work or school or will be away from your baby for other reasons, you may want to start pumping a few weeks beforehand. He has his one month appt tomorrow. © 2021 Everyday Health, Inc. Solution: Spend a lot of time in skin-to-skin contact with your baby. To help prevent milk mix-ups, childcare facilities should review and update their policies … We're going to a feeding specialist to discuss options. Other babies are disturbed from the beginning to the end of the feeding. By Jan Barger, RN, MA, IBCLC, FILCA How much calcium do … My now 4 yr old aspirated due to her tongue not triggering the swallow in time. She also has bronchiolitis and strider breathing. I'm dreading it because I don't want to stop breastfeeding. Milk blebs or blisters usually look like a tiny white or yellow spot about the size of a pin-head on your nipple, and often resemble a … After their milk ‘comes in’, nursing mothers produce transitional milk (a mixture of colostrum and milk), and then mature milk, 7-10 days after birth. How do … So I feel his weight is not an issue but my daughter gained weight like a champ also. Many medical experts, including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, strongly recommend breastfeeding exclusively … She gave some do two 100% formula bottles while at work thickened w rice cereal/oatmeal and to possible wean breastfeeding, but I am choosing not to follow that part. For my daughter she would always do a swallow study then see a pulmonologist who really wasn't much help. If your baby drinks for a few minutes, then goes off, or tries to start again, but he gets angry, it may be because your flow has slowed down. Some babies who are very easily distracted during the day feed more often at night when you are both more relaxed. Have they checked for lip and/or tongue tied? Sometimes your breasts may start to feel very full or engorged if your baby starts to sleep longer at night. Exclusive pumping (also referred to as “EPing”) means that you make the choice to give your baby only breast milk that you express or pump. It is necessary that the breasts are drained of milk to initiate more milk production. Advice?? The Top Products Parents Put on Their Amazon Baby Registries, Why the Fridababy Nosefrida Snotsucker Saved My Sanity During My Baby’s First Cold. Your bare chest can help remind your baby that it is a nourishing place. Between 3 and 6 months, some babies start to become very difficult to feed when there are distractions. Just be careful. Your baby may have a hard time latching on (attaching) to your breast to feed. I may have to look into that. One not necessarily in conjunction with the other. Also...don't know if this makes any difference but when he was born I only pushed 7 times so he never got a good "squeeze". Solution: If this happens, feeding your baby in a dark room can help you. The casein proteins in milk and other dairy products affect 2 to 3 percent of babies and can cause intestinal gas, abdominal pain, a rash around the mouth or anus, diarrhea and irritability. Jmulca, how's your baby doing? Hopefully you're not reading this as me demeaning in anyway. Griffin says that keeping a baby on one side for too long to ensure that she gets that fat without making sure that the baby is actively drinking is counterproductive because she may just hang out there, only sucking, and not get enough milk. Babies feed better when they are ready to feed. I really don't want to be connected to a pump all day :(. Because of that we were feeding her slowly. Yes, you can continue breastfeeding, despite the symptoms, if your baby continues to grow and put on weight. It also contains immunoglobulins, the antibodies that help your baby fight off virus and bacteria and infections. I would just figure if she was aspirating and breastfeeding was too high of a risk for that they would have you stop sooner. Sometimes your baby does not refuse to feed, but faces difficulties in feeding. Breastfeeding, also known as nursing, is the feeding of babies and young children with milk from a woman's breast. You ended up giving thickened formula? Create an account or log in to participate. What did your ENT end up saying? It will break my heart if I have to stop nursing but I will do whatever is best for his health. This could mean keeping it in a particular style when it feeds on one breast and then in the lower one when it feeds on the other breast. What's your son doing that makes you feel he might be aspirating too? Solution: Move to the other chest or try to gently squeeze your breast when your baby’s sucking slows down being careful not to disturb his attachment. Newman have to say about infant who aspirate on breast milk. She does still reflux because I hear it gurgling up, but she doesn't writhe in pain like she did before. Many babies do not take breast milk because there is no skin-to-skin contact with their mother and reduce their affinity towards the mother or breast. It’s Friday, May 15th, 3 am, I’m 41 weeks pregnant, and my labour has just begun. When I was seeing the dr for it she said if she were bottle feeding she'd do thickened feeds, but I was adamant about breastfeeding as long as it was safe for my daughter to do so. Breast engorgement usually happens 3 to 5 days after you give birth. How a baby drinks from a bottle is very different from the way he breastfeeds. My husband picked him up quickly each time and he began to breathe again. I'm a FTM, but a NICU nurse. What's your pedi say about your son? This can help relieve any pain, maintain your supply and reduce the risk of getting a blocked conduit.   In these situations, you will have to burp your baby more often. Otherwise, do it right after a breastfeeding session. The nurse said she usually gets about 4cc out. I weighed him yesterday and he has gained 3lbs since birth (4 weeks ago). We also just monitor weight gain and look for clinical signs of dehydration. What I'm thinking though is that some of the things you're describing sound like my daughter. Rather she spits up. Breast milk becomes thick and hard as a result, which blocks milk flow near your nipple opening. My 4 week old coughs a couple times a day and seems to have reflux. Plus, breast milk gets absorbed so quickly that probably by the time the baby is done nursing some milk is already out of his stomach, so it's not very accurate to do this. Our Mission is to make health information available to over 400 million people without access to basic healthcare. During the first few weeks of life babies may nurse roughly every two to three hours, and the duration … My 4 week old has projectile vomited 3x now and he coughs with almost every feed. I had a hunch my daughter was aspirating and a swallow study confirmed it. She didn't have stridor at birth, but I think from having bad reflux she developed stridor. Poor baby always coughs when she eats and spits up a lot. She does sound kind of like she has fluid in her upper airway at times after refluxing. I know this post is kinda old, but my 3mo is going through this, bad thing he ended up with a ng tube :(. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. If you’re a new mother, you know this all too well. GiftedMom works with NGOs in maternal health, Pharmaceuticals and Telcos to get health information to the hands of pregnant women and new mothers. Breast milk is always best. Baby has stopped breathing during sleep. Babies can be allergic to foods that you eat…tiny bits of which can sneak into your milk! She wasn't even coughing. Aww. Solution: Feeding your baby when your baby wants to, helps make sure he gets what he needs. Here’s what you can do Massage your breast area as well as pump or hand express milk. The speech therapist who did the swallow study always gave me a lot more information then the pulmonologist. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. We’re in a very similar sitution with my five months old. Having heard so many birth stories, I go back to bed thinking I’m in early labour and that it could be hours, or even days, before it’s go time. Engorgement can happen if you are not breastfeeding or expressing milk often, or produce a lot of milk. He seems so uncomfortable at times. At times I've wondered if she's aspirated some. Why did you start having to thicken feeds after a year of breastfeeding? I would suggest ruling out reflux which they can do as well when they do the swallow study. Raise the chances that they will make it safely through the first year of life and thrive over the long run. For this reason, it’s important to know what drinking looks like and to switch back and forth between breasts whenever you think your baby has … I'm waiting for a speech therapist to call me back. Sometimes, a small amount of skin can grow over the bleb, preventing it from healing. It's made a huge difference. It could be on a bed or in a bath, etc. He could then refuse to feed when his mother’s supply is established and he has to suck more to get the same amount of milk. As with the question … Just as upsetting as when your baby is still hungry after breastfeeding. That's when I'm not sure if she's aspirating. Sometimes a baby can get used to the way he is held back when he sucks. In an ideal setting, the more a baby breastfeeds, the more the mother’s body will produce milk. By Karisa Ding Top 7 breastfeeding surprises. Stimulation of the breast can help in the creation of... Use a hospital grade pump. Find out everything you need to know about parenting. When you are away from your baby, you can pump or hand express milk from your breasts ahead of time so that your baby can drink your breast milk from a bottle. If you pinpoint the offending food, avoid it for at least 6 months, or until your baby is 9-12 months old (whichever comes later). Could my age affect the quality or quantity of my breast milk? Top of Page. Few medications are contraindicated while breastfeeding and risk of adverse effects from a single exposure to a medication through breast milk is very low. Providing your baby with food when he is sleepy or just waking up can also help you. A feeding specialist would make sense. Baby to Breast: Latching On. Per the CDC: Once breast milk is brought to room temperature or warmed after storing in the refrigerator or freezer, it should be used within 2 hours. Protect them from a wide range of common and rare early childhood diseases. If your baby is gaining weight and producing a sufficient number of wet and dirty diapers, you may not need to supplement or increase your milk supply. Your breast milk can then be given to your baby, for example with a small cup or bottle. I would like to continue to nurse if at all possible. So I've dealt with babies with floppy airways and babies who've aspirated. Moving your hand to different parts of your breast while you squeeze, helps drain different milk ducts. Could this breast milk feeding trick help your baby sleep better? Thanks for everyone's input & experiences! Since she doesn't suffer much from the reflux her stridor is pretty much non existent now. By Claudia Boyd-Barrett Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding? My Baby Won’t Drink Milk If your baby isn’t drinking enough milk, it can be upsetting. It’s normal and your breasts will adjust as they get used to your baby’s changing eating habits. Half an hour later,... My daughter chocked and now I’m terrified! The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that breastfeeding begin within the first hour of a baby's life and continue as often and as much as the baby wants. Does anyone have any experience with babies who aspirate? It's … Massaging the breasts can aid more milk to flow and ensuring that the baby … You might want to express milk if: you have to be away from your baby, for example, because your baby is in special care or because you're going back to work; your breasts feel uncomfortably full (engorged); your baby is not able to latch or suck well, but you still want to … What to Do She also has bronchiolitis and strider breathing. So then she was pretty gassy because if that (and reflux probably) and I had to burp her a lot. Babies not drinking enough milk is a common occurrence, and it can easily be fixed. We had went to the ear nose and throat specialist when he was 3 weeks old he said he had a floppy piece of skin i his throat, I wonder if this could have something to do with his aspiration. I EBF my daughter till she was a year old when we discovered she had a floppy airway and was aspirating. However, here’s the big BUT. Lying on the side may also reduce choking incidents. All Rights Reserved. Once in a great while we'll have a baby weighed before and after a feeding if we're worried, but that's not a really great method either. Babies refuse milk… Read More »Baby Won’t Drink Milk? He sounded congested so we used his aspirator to clear out his nose and... Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). My daughter will be 4 weeks tomorrow. You can offer it again within the next two hours. My daughter had bronchiolitis with a stridor twice around 6 & 8 months old. I am a speech therapist but don't specialize in feeding. Solution: If this is the case, keeping it in the same position for breastfeeding can help you. I got her lip and tongue tied revised. Skin-to-skin contact can help your baby use her instinct to find your breasts alone. It’s normal and your breasts will adjust as they get used to your baby’s changing eating habits. They saw that he is aspirating milk into his lungs while drinking. I am completely heartbroken he is 10 weeks old and was 6 weeks early I really want to continue giving him breast milk. Babies are fed breast milk by bottle, NG tube or other means, rather than directly at the breast. This will give you the chance … You may try to take the baby off the breast for a few minutes during the initial letdown after sucking. We go next week for a swallow study. I really hope it's just reflux so you can continue to enjoy nursing him but no matter what, know that you are doing the best for your child and you caught it in time which is great. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. When did the burping get better? Although many medications do pass into breast milk, most have little or no effect on infant well-being. If it is due to reflux and meds can help then would continue breastfeeding and avoid all extra steps. If your baby seems extra fussy, gassy, barfy, snorty or rashy you may wonder, “Can babies be allergic to breastmilk?” The answer? Thank you so much for your reply. Breast milk is good for your baby in many ways: It provides natural antibodies that help your baby resist illnesses, such as ear infections . So sorry you've gone through all this with both your kiddos. By Marcella Gates New uses for breast pads. We went today! Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. Some mothers have a strong flow of milk in the first weeks until their supply settles. This position may allow the baby to let go of the breast and let the milk flow outside their mouth, to avert choking. Two nights ago my baby had two instances where he was not breathing and began to flail around. Also sorry it took you that long to get a diagnosis of aspiration. Breast milk antibodies can offer many benefits to babies. This action cannot be undone. This is my exact life right now. Unfortunately if it aspiration during or after a feeding (due to residue, etc) they will recommend thickeners and I know it sucks to be tied down to a pump but aspiration pneumonia is very dangerous and can be life threatening if not treated. She also swallowed a lot of amniotic fluid and kept slitting it up and choking on it a few days after birth. Expressing milk means squeezing milk out of your breast so you can store it and feed it to your baby later. Are you sure you want to delete your discussion? You can do power pumping instead of a feeding session (for example, you’re at work or otherwise away from your baby for a few hours). If I warmed a bottle of breast milk and my baby didn’t drink any (she went back to sleep), can I put it back in the refrigerator and offer it again? … However, if you do not eat right or do not store pumped breast milk properly, it can harm your baby. My daughter doesn't projectile vomit though. How’s your baby now? Solution: Skin-to-skin contact and allowing your baby to find your breasts alone may be enough to help solve this problem. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. A baby may develop allergies to components that pass through a mother's milk from her diet. Let me know what the feeding specialist says. Storing breast milk is something most breastfeeding mothers have to do, regardless of whether they’re pumping all the time or just building up an emergency stash. You may also express milk a few minutes before feeding to reduce overflow and help to control … I really don't want to stop breast feeding him and pump. As long as your baby continues to show reliable signs of having enough milk, this is what matters most. I don't mind pumping but I would rather him not have formula. Also just monitor weight gain and look for clinical signs of having enough milk is dairy what to Learn. If he chokes/coughs with it have reflux to help solve this problem engorgement can happen if do... Was too high of a risk for that they will make it safely through the first year of?. Offer it again within the next feeding up, but a NICU nurse breast feeding him and.... ) and I had to stop nursing but I think from having bad reflux she developed stridor if happens. 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